Would You Fly on a Plane If the Photos Looked Bad?

Would You Fly on a Plane If the Photos Looked Bad?

The Power of Professional Photos in Car Sales (and Beyond!)

Have you ever been scrolling through travel websites, looking for the perfect vacation, and come across a photo of a plane that just… doesn’t look right? Maybe it’s blurry, or the plane seems awkwardly positioned on the runway, surrounded by a mess of other aircraft. Suddenly, that dream vacation starts to feel a little less dreamy.

Now, think about car shopping. You’re browsing online listings, looking for your perfect vehicle. You come across a car that seems interesting, but the photos are dark, grainy, or show the car parked at a crooked angle in someone’s messy driveway. Does that build trust and confidence? Does it make you excited to learn more?

Probably not.

Crashed plane with smashed cargo

Just like with airlines, the quality of photos plays a massive role in a car dealership’s success. Here’s why:

  • First Impressions Matter: In today’s digital world, online listings are often the first impression potential buyers have of your dealership and your vehicles. High-quality photos grab attention, showcase the car’s features in detail, and create a sense of professionalism and trust.
  • Blurry Photos = Doubt: Blurry, poorly lit, or amateurish photos can make potential buyers question the condition of the car. Are you trying to hide something? Professional photos remove this doubt and allow buyers to see the car clearly.
  • Building Trust & Confidence: Clear, well-lit photos showcasing the car’s best angles and features inspire trust and confidence in potential buyers. They can see exactly what they’re getting, and that makes them more likely to take the next step.
  • Standing Out From the Crowd: In a crowded online marketplace, high-quality photos make your listings stand out. Professional visuals differentiate your dealership and attract serious buyers who are ready to make a purchase.
Attractive photo of a car professional photo in a photo booth

The Bottom Line:

Investing in professional photography for your car dealership isn’t just an expense, it’s an investment in your business. High-quality photos can significantly improve your online presence, build trust with potential buyers, and ultimately lead to more sales.

So, would you fly on a blurry plane? Probably not. And potential car buyers won’t settle for blurry car photos either. Make sure your online listings showcase your vehicles in the best possible light, and watch your sales soar!

Why Photo Quality and Clarity Are Crucial When Selling Cars Online

Why Photo Quality and Clarity Are Crucial When Selling Cars Online

When selling cars online, the quality and clarity of your photo area and vehicle photos are absolutely crucial for building an emotional connection with potential buyers. Here’s why:

Importance of Emotional Connection:

  • First Impression: Online photos are often the first impression buyers have of your car. High-quality photos create a positive first impression and make the car seem more desirable.
  • Visual Appeal: Professional photos showcase the car’s aesthetics and features in a visually appealing way, sparking interest and emotional connection.
  • Building Trust: Clear, well-lit photos showcase the car’s true condition, fostering trust in your online listings.

Impact of Photo Quality and Clarity:

  • Clarity and Details: Sharp, high-resolution photos allow buyers to see every detail of the car’s interior, exterior, and features.
  • Cleanliness of Photo Area: A clean, uncluttered background minimizes distractions and allows the car to be the main focus.
  • Lighting: Proper lighting ensures the car’s color, shape, and details are accurately represented, avoiding any misrepresentation.

Building Emotional Connection Through Photos:

  • Highlight Features: Focus on capturing photos that showcase the car’s unique features and selling points, like a sunroof or a luxurious interior.
  • Multiple Angles: Provide a variety of photos from different angles, allowing buyers to virtually “walk around” the car.
  • Evoking Emotions: Use creative angles and backdrops to create a sense of adventure, luxury, or family fun, depending on the car’s target audience.

Additional Tips:

  • Professional Photography: Consider investing in professional car photography photo studio like 360Booth for maximum impact.
  • 360-Degree Views: Offering 360-degree views allows buyers to explore the entire car virtually.
  • Consistent Style: Maintaining a consistent style across all photos reinforces your brand identity.

By prioritizing high-quality, clear, and clean photos, you can showcase the car in its best light, build trust, and ultimately create an emotional connection that incentivizes potential buyers to reach out and potentially purchase your car.

Why are professional vehicle photos in a 360Booth extremely important for consumers?

Why are professional vehicle photos in a 360Booth extremely important for consumers?

Visual Appeal: 

High-quality, professional photos significantly improve the visual appeal of the vehicles. They allow potential buyers to see the car from the best angles in the best light, without distractions and fake backgrounds. 

Buyer Experience: 

Good imagery can replace in-store car tours, allowing buyers to inspect the details of the vehicle as closely as possible online.

Digital Marketing: 

Impactful images are crucial for the digital marketing of dealerships. They can be a deciding factor in a buyer’s journey, influencing their interest and purchase decisions.

Brand Authority: 

The quality of the images represents the authority and professionalism of the dealership. Poor-quality images sitting on dealers lots with poor light lighting Shadows and tons of distractions in the background may convey a lack of professionalism and trustworthiness. Especially if they’re engaging in fake backgrounds.

Sales Conversion: 

Studies show that visual information can increase sales by 65% more than verbal information. Professional photos in a 360Booth establish credibility and attract more potential customers.

In summary, professional vehicle photography in a 360Booth is not just an option but a necessity for car retailers to stand out in the competitive online market and to convey a professional image that wins buyers’ trust.

Can Using AI Car Photos Result in a Lawsuit?

Can Using AI Car Photos Result in a Lawsuit?

After yesterday’s post, I had to use the resources of Gemini to see what litigation and resources could be found on cases of misrepresentation of images with AI. 

Here’s what Google Gemini found. 

You’re right to be concerned about litigation regarding AI-edited car photos. While there aren’t widely publicized cases focused solely on AI editing, there have been lawsuits around misrepresenting vehicles online. Here’s some information to consider:

  • Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and Deceptive Advertising: The FTC prohibits dealerships from using deceptive advertising practices, which includes misleading photos. Even if unintentional, AI edits that significantly alter a car’s condition could be considered deceptive. (https://www.ftc.gov/)
  • State Lemon Laws and Consumer Protection Laws: Many states have lemon laws protecting consumers who buy used vehicles with undisclosed problems. Additionally, most states have consumer protection laws against deceptive business practices. AI-edited photos that hide significant damage could violate these laws.

Here are some resources where you might find relevant cases (although they might not be exclusively about AI):

  • National Association of Consumer Advocates (NACA): NACA keeps a record of consumer protection lawsuits, including those against car dealerships. You might be able to find relevant cases through their resources. (https://www.consumeradvocates.org/)
  • Legal Databases: Legal research databases like Westlaw or LexisNexis might have relevant case law. These resources are typically accessed through law libraries or legal subscriptions, but some public libraries might offer limited access.

Here are some additional points to consider:

  • Disclosure is Key: Even with AI, dealerships can protect themselves by clearly disclosing any editing done to photos. This could involve disclaimers like “car has minor scratches, not shown in photos” or highlighting any major repairs made.
  • Focus on Transparency: 360Booth’s emphasis on detailed, high-quality images with features like 360° views already promotes transparency. This can be further enhanced by using AI for tasks that don’t manipulate the car’s condition, like background removal.

By staying informed about legal developments and focusing on transparency in your photo processes, you can mitigate the risk of litigation while leveraging the efficiencies AI offers.

Will AI Replace Car Photography in the Future?

Will AI Replace Car Photography in the Future?

A rather aggressive dealer asked me a great question today. “Would AI or computervision replace a photo studio in the future?” I immediately told him it won’t happen because it will be adjusting the actual image of the vehicle itself. 

I took the question to Google’s Gemini, and here are the results. 

360Booth Strengths:

  • Consistency: Standardized lighting and guidance tools ensure consistent, high-quality product shots for every vehicle.
  • Transparency: 360° views and detailed images build trust with potential buyers by providing a comprehensive view of the car’s condition.

AI Imaging Potential:

AI imaging has the potential to revolutionize car photography, offering features like:

  • Background Removal and Object Replacement: AI can automatically remove unwanted elements from the background or replace them with virtual environments.
  • Image Enhancement: AI algorithms can enhance existing photos, adjusting lighting, color balance, and minor imperfections.
  • 3D Modeling: Advanced AI could potentially generate 3D models of vehicles from 2D images, allowing for interactive online car exploration.

While AI offers exciting possibilities, replacing photo studios entirely might not be realistic in the near future. Here’s why:

  • Manipulation vs. Enhancement: Legally, dealerships cannot manipulate images to misrepresent a car’s condition. AI-generated touch-ups on dents, scratches, or rust would be fraudulent.
  • Accuracy and Control: Current AI might struggle with complex lighting conditions, reflections, or unique car features. Studios provide controlled environments for capturing accurate details.
  • Human Expertise: A skilled photographer’s eye can capture specific angles and details that highlight a car’s best features.

The Future: Collaboration, Not Replacement

Instead of replacing photo studios, AI is more likely to become a collaborative tool. Studios can leverage AI for:

  • Automated Background Removal: Saving time on post-processing.
  • Image Consistency Checks: Ensuring every photo meets quality standards.
  • Virtual Staging: Creating different car settings for online listings.


The 360Booth offers a unique solution for efficient and high-quality car photography. While AI has the potential to further enhance the process, it likely won’t replace the need for controlled studio environments and the expertise of professional photographers. In the future, studios will likely embrace AI as a valuable tool to streamline workflows and create even more compelling car imagery.

How Important Are High-Quality Vehicle Photos?

How Important Are High-Quality Vehicle Photos?

Having high-quality, studio-like images of vehicles online is extremely important, especially considering that 90% of automotive consumers rely on images when shopping for vehicles online. Here’s why:

1. First Impressions: Online, the first interaction a customer has with a vehicle is through its images. High-quality photos can convey the condition, features, and appeal of a vehicle effectively.

2. Engagement: Professional images (not fake backgrounds) can increase visibility, engagement, and the click-through rate (CTR) for listings. Vehicles with better images have shown to generate more interest and inquiries. 

3. Perceived Value: Detailed and well-lit photos can enhance the perceived value of a vehicle, suggesting that it has been well-maintained and that the seller is reputable.

4. Efficiency: Quality images can answer many questions about the vehicle’s condition and features, reducing the need for back-and-forth communication and potentially speeding up the sales process.

5. Decision Making: For customers, high-quality images facilitate quicker decision-making by providing a clear and accurate representation of the vehicle’s color, pattern, style, shape, and quality.

In summary, investing in reliable professional photo studio to produce quality photography for online vehicle listings is crucial and can decisively influence buyer behavior. It’s a key aspect of adapting to the digital age where the visual presentation can make a significant difference in attracting and convincing potential buyers. 

Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/20/2024

(1) Importance of High-Quality Car Images for Online Sales. https://motorcut.com/importance-of-high-quality-car-images-for-online-sales/.

(2) Bing search. https://bing.com/search?q=importance+of+high-quality+images+for+online+vehicle+sales.

(3) How to Attract Automotive Consumers With High Quality Car Pictures. https://www.evoximages.com/resources/high-quality-car-pictures/.

(4) Zooming in on Sales: Best Car Photography to Boost Vehicle Merchandising. https://snorable.org/zooming-in-on-sales-best-car-photography-to-boost-vehicle-merchandising/.

(5) The Importance of Vehicle Photos for Car Dealers. https://maxdigital.com/blog/vehicle-photos-101/.

Sports car Corvette photographed from the rear in a 360Booth