Overall online car search:
- 90% of car buyers research online before visiting a dealership: This statistic is widely cited by various sources, including Cox Automotive, J.D. Power, and the National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA). It highlights the crucial role of digital platforms in the modern car buying journey.
- 70% of car buyers spend more time researching online than offline: This data from McKinsey & Company emphasizes the shift towards online research and underscores the importance of having a strong online presence with engaging content.
- 64% of consumers consider BOTH new and used vehicles online: This finding from Cox Automotive points to the growing flexibility and openness of car buyers, requiring flexibility in your online presentation.

Importance of photos in online car shopping:
- 75% of buyers say high-quality photos are the most important factor when researching cars online: This statistic from Cars.com confirms the primacy of visuals in capturing buyer attention and sparking interest.
- 82% of car buyers consider photos the most helpful information when shopping online: This data from Edmunds further reinforces the critical role of compelling visuals in influencing purchase decisions.
- Great photos can increase a car’s online listing views by 47% and lead to 62% more leads: This research from VDP IQ quantifies the direct impact of high-quality photos on engagement and conversion.
Additional stats:
- 41% of car buyers visit only one dealership before purchase: This data from McKinsey & Company indicates that online research empowers buyers to narrow down their choices significantly before contacting dealerships.
- 37% of new-vehicle buyers purchase a brand they had never owned before: This finding from Cox Automotive shows how online research is breaking down brand loyalty and increasing openness to exploring new options.
These statistics strongly support the claim that 90% of customers search for new cars online and that photos are the most important element in captivating their attention and driving engagement. By investing in high-quality photography and showcasing your vehicles online effectively, you can capture this valuable audience and convert their interest into real sales.
Remember, online car shopping is a rapidly evolving landscape. Staying updated on the latest statistics and trends can help you refine your online strategy and maximize your reach and success.