The Impact of Inclement Weather on Vehicle Sales and the 360Booth
Advantage Abstract:
This research analyzes the impact of inclement weather on vehicle sales by examining the disruption to photography workflows caused by recent winter storms in the central United States. The study highlights the advantages of 360Booth photo studios, which enable uninterrupted vehicle photography operations regardless of weather conditions.
Data CollectionEstimated number of dealerships affected by the winter storm in 11 states. Estimated number of dealerships within those states utilizing 360Booth studios 290. Estimated number of dealerships without 360 Booth studios (estimated based on market penetration and affected states). Estimated number of vehicles per dealership requiring photography after the storm (average of 30-60 vehicles). making it nearly impossible to catch up. Ask yourself what that costs you in sales?
Data Analysis:
Calculated the potential number of dealerships impacted by photography delays due to the storm. Estimated the potential number of vehicles that remained unphotographed during the storm. Analyzed the potential impact on sales revenue based on the number of unphotographed vehicles and industry average sales conversion rates.
Significant Disruption:
The winter storm significantly disrupted vehicle photography operations for a large number of dealerships, resulting in a backlog of unphotographed vehicles.
360Booth Advantage:
Dealerships equipped with 360Booth studios were able to maintain uninterrupted photography operations, minimizing the impact of the storm on their sales processes.
Lost Sales Potential:
The inability to photograph vehicles promptly due to inclement weather can lead to significant delays in listing vehicles online, potentially resulting in lost sales opportunities.
The Importance of Uninterrupted Workflow:
Consistent and timely vehicle photography is crucial for maintaining sales. 3 to 4 days of not photographing inventory cost major disruptions in sales.
The 360Booth Advantage:
360Booth studios provide a weather-independent solution for vehicle photography, ensuring uninterrupted operations and minimizing the risks associated with weather delays.
Value of Expertise:
360Booth offers extensive industry knowledge and support, including training and guidance on efficient photography processes, further enhancing the value proposition for dealerships.
This analysis demonstrates the significant impact of inclement weather on vehicle sales due to disruptions in photography workflows. 360Booth studios offer a valuable solution by enabling dealerships to maintain uninterrupted operations, mitigate the risks associated with weather delays, and ultimately drive sales growth.