Do you have a broker I can use?

For our customers overseas, we do have a broker to get the studio overseas or to Canada, so there is no need to get one. In many cases (New Zealand, Australia, Canada) you have your own broker. We’ll give them all the details needed to ship a 360Booth so he can get it to your store as quickly as possible


Is this in US dollars?

We now have studios in New Zealand–16 studios in New Zealand, ten in Australia, one in Guam, Hawaii; at least 40 in Canada.

Boy! Europe! Come on! Saudi! I know we’re getting a lot of leads. Come on! Let’s get a booth overseas to Europe.

But for that question, all the dollars that we send you? The amounts are in US currency.

So, is the pricing in US currency? Yes, it is.


What exactly is covered under the warranty?

Warranty questions. It’s simple. The warranty is for five years, everything included. If you don’t break the studio, and something we put in your property fails, we will overnight you the part.

What has failed? We’ve had a driver that’s on the light? We overnight the driver. We’ve had a handful of wheels in the early booths fail. We overnighted a set of wheels. A well breaks, and I’ll replace it for five years.

Now, if you break something, I can help you fix it. There may be a fee included. Call us and let us know. The warranty is as strong as death. I won’t let you fail. My team won’t let you fail. Give us a call.


I have one of your Studios and the photographer is saying it's tough to move.

The good news is that you looked at this question because you have one of our studios. Thank you so much.

The bad news is you got a complaint that someone’s saying it’s hard to push the studio. If that’s the case, give us a call. I’ll answer the phone, and I’ll troubleshoot it.

What we have seen is the wheels, the old wheels. They’re a V-groove, and they ride on the track. The old wheels would start to cup over the track, adding resistance. We’ll just overnight you some wheels. Put them back on. You’re back to three fingers and 30 pounds of pressure.

Be sure. If you hear “Hey Boss, it’s getting easy–excuse me!–hard to push," give us a call. Let me troubleshoot it. It might be your wheels. We’ve only experienced it on booths five and six years old when we were experimenting with wheels.


My photographer is not following the presentation you taught us. Is there any way he can have something to help him remember what photo is next in the presentation?

You clicked on this question because you have an existing booth. You lost a photographer, or you just don’t think he’s doing the job.

Contact us. We will retrain them. It’s that simple. We provide support for the lifetime of the product. Our warranty is five years, but in six, seven, eight years you need a new camera. Hit us up. You need some more training. Hit us up.

Right now, we travel so much, we’re pretty much going to be in your area within the next two weeks, and we’ll train them. If you need us to come out sooner, I’m sure we can work something out. Just communicate with us, and we’ll figure it out.

This is 360Booth, and I thank you for your purchase, and we offer lifetime support.


Is your floor checkered?

No, our floor is not checkered. It’s not our floor. Our studio doesn’t come with a floor.

We do recommend this floor, and it does give the appearance of checkered, but it’s not our floor. We buy it for you and install it for you and strongly recommend, for the maintenance value of everything falling through. Also, look at the pearlescence and see how nice the gray is. It’s very important that your flooring does not reflect a different color back into the room.

So, to answer your question, our floor is not checkered; it’s just the shadow effect the flooring has.