I’m interested in selling vehicles online, and I need the best representation for my brand and customers in the dealership to achieve that.

In the examples below, the top photos have the best lighting, sharpness, and flooring for selling vehicles online.


The top photo has more even lighting than the bottom photo. The bottom photo has some dark shadows in the corners, which can make the vehicle look less appealing.


The top photo is also sharper than the bottom photo. The bottom photo is slightly blurry, which can make the vehicle look less detailed.


The flooring in the top photo is more neutral and inviting than the flooring in the bottom photo. The bottom photo has a busy pattern that can distract from the vehicle.

Overall, the top photos are the better representation of your brand and dealership. They have even lighting, sharp focus, and neutral flooring. This will make your vehicles look their best and attract more potential buyers.

High-quality photos of your vehicles will help you sell them more quickly, build trust with your customers, and sell for higher prices.